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The Butterfly Lovers 祝英台

Show type

Live show
Presented bySymphony Musical House Sdn. Bhd. & Malaysia Naturopathic Association


 26th March 2023 @ 3pm & 7.30pm


Pentas 1


195 minutes


Mandarin with English surtitles

Age limit

7 years old and above.

Following the success of the stage play adaptation of the most celebrated classic Chinese novel “The Dream of Red Mansions,” Symphony Theatre now presents the stage adaptation of a poignant, true love story from ancient China, “The Butterfly Lovers”.

10 Must-See Reasons

  1. This adaptation of “The Butterfly Lovers” is based on historical fact
  2. An array of talents from Taiwan, USA, Australia and Malaysia make up this international theatre troupe
  3. Renowned artist Jessie Chung takes the stage with 35 experienced actors
  4. Peking opera and martial arts are incorporated to promote Chinese culture
  5. Stage backdrops created using the latest 3D technology for stunning, lifelike environments
  6. Hired an American music producer to create the theme song “Winding” and the soundtrack, which includes the songs “First Sight” and “Promise Me”
  7. Realistic sound effects and professional soundtrack accompany the play
  8. Stage design incorporates exquisite ancient Chinese elements and props
  9. A variety of elegant, refined, majestic and authentic period costumes are worn on stage
  10. Show your kindness and love by raising funds for cancer patients



2. 与国际话剧团队合作,阵容集结了中国台湾、美国、澳洲以及马来西亚众多人才
3. 演员阵容多达35人,知名艺人锺洁希与多位资深艺人同台演出
4. 插入京剧、武术等中华文化元素,以弘扬光大中华文化
5. 最新3D科技绝美LED背景视觉影像
6. 星音符特邀美籍音乐制作人为《祝英台》话剧操刀,打造主题曲《迂回》与插曲《遇见》和《答应我》
7. 逼真的音效与专业背景音乐配搭
8. 精致的古风道具布置
9. 精美雅致大气有诚意的古代服装
10. 为癌症患者筹款贡献一份爱

“The Butterfly Lovers” is a grandeur stage performance, based on a historical Chinese legend with an enormous cast consisting of 35 actors and actresses. The epic story of “The Butterfly Lovers” is based on solid historical facts, whereby the production team has conducted numerous research and studies of historical documents.
After the monumental success of “Dream of the Red Mansion” stage play, Symphony Theatre Production brings together the talents of drama directors, actors, composers, lyricists, singers and scriptwriters from China, Taiwan, the United States, Australia and Malaysia to present this unforgettable love affair.

The female lead, Zhu Yingtai, will be played by internationally-acclaimed singer and actress Jessie Chung, who has developed her career in China, Australia, Taiwan and Malaysia. The male lead, Liang Shanbo, will be played by American director and actor Paul Lee, who majored in drama and music performance at an American University. The lead actor of “The Last Tears”, Isaac Cheah, the lead actor of “The Dream of Red Mansions,”, Terry Lim, the lead actor of “Tearless Sky”, John Lee, and the lead actor of “Music Box”, Marcus Choot, will also be joining the prodigious cast.

The entire presentation of “The Butterfly Lovers” is designed in a naturalistic style to provide the audience with the most immersive experience; a large LED 3D-background visuals, realistic sound effects, exquisite antique props and elegant, elegant ancient costumes. During the entire performance, viewers will be able to travel back in time and space to the ancient China and embark on Zhu Yingtai’s multi-faceted experiences.

In addition to the beauty of ancient Chinese classics, Chinese cultural elements such as Beijing Opera and Chinese martial arts are also being incorporated into the show to promote and perpetuate the extensive Chinese culture.

Symphony Theatre has also invited American music producer John Lee to create the theme song “Winding”, which chronicles the ancient love between Liang and Zhu, as well as the two interludes “First Sight” and “Promise Me”, which narrate the true feelings of each other.

Let Symphony Theatre embark you on a dreamlike, butterfly-filled journey of love.



《祝英台》话剧诚意十足,演员阵容庞大,由多达35位话剧演员一同合作打造。女主角祝英台将由在中港台及澳洲发展的国际歌手与演员锺洁希 饰演。男主角梁山伯则由在美国大学主修戏剧及音乐表演系的美籍导演与演员李安田饰演。《最后一滴眼泪》的领衔男主角谢哲信,《红楼梦》的领衔林霆坚,《没有泪的天空》话剧的领衔主演李安生,《音乐盒》话剧的领衔主演出德文也会重磅加盟。





Presented by Symphony Musical House Sdn. Bhd. & Malaysia Naturopathic Association

Date & Time: 26th March 2023 @ 3pm & 7.30pm

Venue: Pentas 1

Tickets: RM200 (VVIP), RM150 (VIP), RM100 (PS1), RM80 (PS2), RM50 (PS3) , RM30 (PS4)

Buy Tickets
Online Purchase: https://www.cloudjoi.com
No phone sales and over the counter sales. E-tickets only.

WhatsApp +6018 227 7212 

Covid-19 Related SOPs
klpac has Covid-19 measures including Covid-19 testing for the cast and crew, sanitisation and disinfection, and going contactless. Mask-wearing is recommended. Venue reserves the right to deny entry if you’re found to be Covid-19 positive or High-Risk status on MySejahtera. No refund will be made to those who have purchased tickets.

For the latest Covid-19 & SOP guide, go to https://www.klpac.org/about-us/your-visit/.

Executive Producer: Joshua Beh
Director: Brian Choot
Writer: Stratford Tan

Jessie Chung, Paul Lee, Isaac Cheah, Terry Lim, Justin Leong, Marcus Choot, Lily Lim, Caleb Cheah, Joel Lai, Peggy Tan, John Lee, Jeffrey Beh, Jennifer Chung, Sophia Koa, Tylor Chen, Beryl Ong, Robin Chong, Jonathan Chong, Pearl Tan, Melvin Lim, Timothy Chuah, Emmerson Lim, Renee Lai, Jackson Chen, Max Chu, Jordan Choo, Benjamin Ong, Elson Lim, Ivan Wong, Malcolm Lim, Joeshen Ng, Jeremy Leong, Matthew Lim, Philip Si, Anthony Ng

Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/symphonymusicalhouse

KLPAC online Banner-07

Show type

Live show
Presented bySymphony Musical House Sdn. Bhd. & Malaysia Naturopathic Association


 26th March 2023 @ 3pm & 7.30pm


Pentas 1


195 minutes


Mandarin with English surtitles

Age limit

7 years old and above.

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