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Kaka-Lala 旮旮旯旯

“Digging, sowing, watering, mulching—then rest and wait patiently. If rest is a natural part of growth, why do we find it so hard to take a break?” For one whole year, Orang Orang Drum Theatre took a hands-on approach by…

Raising The Bar Festival 2024

What started as a monthly event to showcase local talent has now grown into a household name synonymous with Malaysia’s grassroots hip-hop scene. With an aim to bring the underground to the surface, Raising The Bar (RTB) curates memorable live…

《金刚慧音 Imee Ooi & JSJG》 演唱会 – 吉隆坡站

国际著名佛曲唱作人黄慧音联合佛乐男唱团《净世金刚》,今年5月11及12日将在吉隆坡表演艺术中心举办三场演唱会,呈献新世纪曲风的经文咒语系列以及多首佛曲新作。欢迎一起来聆听慧音,普传世界的佛曲经典,悦心净念的虔诚唱诵。 Renowned Dharma musician and singer Imee Ooi with JSJG Dharma men’s vocal group, sincerely presents IMEE OOI & JSJG the concert 2024 at Pentas 1, klpac. Aspires to be another heartfelt musical stage production by Imee Ooi with many…

Works of Sim Boon Yew: Whirling Melodies, Nostalgic Dreams

《舞韵乡情》沈文友作品专场天地人和民族乐团2024年度演奏会,将呈现沈文友老师最具代表性的华乐作品,同时还有新版编曲作品的首次亮相!沈文友是新加坡知名华乐工作者,曾为新加坡人民协会华乐团 (1978-1997),新加坡乐团中胡演奏家 (1997-2017),并曾兼任驻团编曲。多年来也积极参于与推广社会文化活动,荣获2001年新加坡共和国总统颂赐公共服务奖章。 沈文友多年来也致力于创作与编曲。尤其是创作富有南洋风格的华乐曲,对新加坡本土华乐创作方向具有深远影响,编写过各不同形式的华乐曲超过二百首,除了时常被委约为本地和海外专业乐团编写作品外,中港澳台马,业余乐团和各院校乐团也经常演奏其作品。 曲目:《闯将令》这首气势磅礴的曲子于经典武侠电影<如来神掌>以及周星驰的<功夫>中被广为人知;《Suriram》《Variations on Theme of Burong Kakak Tua》《悠悠小河水》分别取材自印度尼西亚,马来西亚和中国的民歌,朗朗上口的旋律尽是乡间风情;《芗韵》《剑舞》则是采用了福建芗剧以及北京平剧音乐元素的作品;此次音乐会更是会演奏沈文友老师的代表作 -《小字条》,此为陈子谦导演的同名短片电影配乐,并且将由沈文友老师亲自指挥。 让我们一起畅叙乡情,共享舞韵悠扬的音乐盛宴!天地人和民族乐团期待为您呈现汇聚各地民间特色的音乐之美,让优美的旋律在您心中荡漾,共同见证民族音乐的盛大庆典! The Elements Chinese Orchestra’s annual concert for 2024 will showcase not only the most representative works of Sim Boon Yew, but also premiere various newly arranged pieces…

Beethoven: His Romance and Fire with The klpac Orchestra

The klpac Orchestra, under the baton of Maestro Lee Kok Leong, launches into its 2024 season with a special programme of famed German composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven whose diverse repertoire bridged the Classical period and the Romantic Era.…

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