Archives Shows

Reflections: Wild at Heart Exhibition

I identify myself as an artist with a wild heart. With an untamed and unbounded creative spirit, art allows me to express myself in unconventional ways. In this exhibition, I aim to portray these elements through wildlife which represents the…

Test is Best

Test is Best is a comedy show featuring some of Malaysia’s funniest comedians testing their brand new material. Watch these comedians take the stage to craft their jokes, refine new routines and explore new comedic territory. The stage truly is…


The opera tells a story about Nemorino, a young villager, who is madly in love with the beautiful business owner Adina, who he thinks is beyond his reach. A Sergeant Belcore attempts to seduce Adina causes the frustrated Nemorino to…


一對相愛的同志情侶,竟意外發現他們是親兄弟。血緣裡流著的親屬關係,究竟還容納得下愛情嗎?台灣編劇、大馬導演,兩地演員聯手演繹的《同棲時間》,將血淋淋的現實攤在日光底下,細述社會少數遭遇的苦難——只是想要愛,我們錯了嗎? 自按摩店相遇後相愛的一對同志情侶,在父親的告別式上發現雙方竟是同父異母的親兄弟。從此裂開的情愛世界,他們被迫面對的,不只是血緣關係的桎梏,還有社會的眼光、第三者的介入、原生家庭的傷害⋯⋯ 一部關於生存、框架與抉擇的故事;一支糅合性別、愛與傷害的Salsa之舞;他們渴望平凡,卻終究落得無所遁形。他們努力求存,卻不得不與世界抵抗。 由馬來西亞資深導演羅國文執導、台灣新生代作家編劇林孟寰創作的台馬舞台劇《同棲時間》,將於今年九月在吉隆坡正式上演。這場舞台劇為促進台灣與馬來西亞雙邊的表演藝術與劇場文化的交流,由馬來西亞演員Lawrence翁書強、Noah葉國文及台灣演員王肇陽擔綱演出,劇情融合馬來西亞在地元素,探討弱勢群體的人權及生存課題。 此劇目獲台灣文化部資助,為2023年跨國劇場合作交流企劃 TICKETS Category Price Promotion Early Bird Promo (ends 30 Jul) RM 68 N/A Standard RM 88 Buy 10 Free 1: Select 11 tickets and enter promo code BROTHER10 to avail the discount. VIP RM 108…

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