Archives Shows

Short + Sweet Malaysia Festival 2023: Stand-up Comedy and Song

The worldโ€™s biggest little festival is back โ€“ SHORT+SWEET Malaysia enters its 16th season this year. As a key driver for the development of new Malaysian works and talent, SHORT+SWEET Malaysia has premiered over 1,000 new works and showcased anโ€ฆ

Short + Sweet Malaysia Festival 2023: Film

The worldโ€™s biggest little festival is back โ€“ SHORT+SWEET Malaysia enters its 16th season this year. As a key driver for the development of new Malaysian works and talent, SHORT+SWEET Malaysia has premiered over 1,000 new works and showcased anโ€ฆ

Indicinelive! 8 (Versi Halapan)

Having premiered in 2010, INDICINELIVE! (in-dee-SEE-nee-live-!) satirizes the insane society we live in through a high-octane line-up of everyday characters, familiar situations, and parodies of songs weโ€™ve heard and are all too familiar with. INDICINELIVE! is essentially, a generous servingโ€ฆ


Is Jebat a traitorโ€ฆ or a hero? Set in a post-apocalyptic Malaysia where constant war and strife abound, the story follows the life and tragic death of JEBAT. It unfolds the plight of Hang Tuahโ€™s loyalty to his king asโ€ฆ

Forkbeard : A Viking Musical Odyssey

Join us on a thrilling musical odyssey, back to the Viking world of 1000 AD. Expect sword fights and romance, Viking warships and witches, and a story based on true events that changed the course of history. Get ready forโ€ฆ

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