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MyDance Alliance and The Actors Studio returns with Dancebox 2022. Join us in this single night of exciting dance works by emerging and established artists, showcasing a spectacular lineup of contemporary creations within the current Malaysian dance scene. ++ Amellia…

罪人 Atonement

由艺人馆全民剧场及木卡空间联手呈献,颜永祯首次执导长篇舞台剧,改编灵感来自电影的悬疑推理中文舞台剧《罪人》,演出即将在2022年9月1日至4日于吉隆坡表演艺术中心贰剧场上演五场,邀你一起来剧场破解真相! 《罪人》去掉了文化背景,在角色名字、对话、或甚至角色身上的道具中埋下伏笔,让观众在观剧的同时也要一一寻找线索。剧里一共有19个角色,由影视舞台剧演员陈立扬担任主人翁伊拉,其余18个角色则由影视歌三栖全能艺人狄妃、新晋演员许松根及许栩三人演绎。 演出将以四面台作为舞台设计,四面分别设置观众席,观众自由选择席位环绕而坐,让观众从各个角度观察伊拉的每一个举动,增加沉浸感。观众席以伊拉的办公桌为中心,而那短短的通话是伊拉唯一的线索,他是否能找出真相呢?随着故事层层推进,带领观众走进真相禁区。 主创团队包括御用音乐总监及音乐创作李月依、灯光设计爱美丽亚、服装与造型设计师Beatrice Looi,共同打造舞台剧《罪人》。 全剧以中文演出,附英文字幕,因演出所需,內容含成人情节,请斟酌观赏。 制作与呈献单位:木卡空间与艺人馆全民剧场支持单位: 吉隆坡表演艺术中心、马来西亚旅游,艺术和文化部、ASLI 戏剧联盟 “Atonement” is a suspense-filled play presented by The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat and MUKA Space in a unique four-sided seating which centres on a mad search for the truth. Directed…

Meet The String Family!

The orchestra comprises different instrument “family” groups – strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion.Let’s explore the largest family of ‘em all! In this video, klpac Orchestra musicians Andrea Sim, Joanne Aw, Joshua Sim, and Kok Keng Onn will be sharing about…


Kaleidoscope showcases some of the most exciting talents to emerge from the TUTAS Bachelor of Performing Arts conservatory degree programme by The Actors Studio and Taylor’s University. As part of their Production Practicum, they will be presenting seven short plays…

La La Lian

La La Lian 2.0 is a restage of the Joanne Kam’s 2018 one woman show with the same title which went on tour. We will be restaging this show with add on updated material. La La Lian is the life…

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