Archives Shows

Music Play Date 2024

Following its fun-filled outdoor concerts in 2022 and 2023, The klpac Symphonic Band is back for more fun in the sun and, of course, more great music this May! If you missed the previous editions (or simply couldn’t get enough),…

偷聽史多利 沈浸式 LIVE PODCAST《最高品質 靜悄悄》 IN MALAYSIA

馬來西亞,我們來了! 聽覺到視覺 想像到現實 一場前所未有的沈浸式Live Podcast 所有的細思極恐 都將悄悄出現在你身邊…… 跟著偷聽史多利一起在音樂、燈光、舞台等多重渲染下,讓故事更有層次,恐懼更有魅力,歡笑與感動更加刻骨銘心。 還在猶豫什麼? 快跟著康納、卡菈、艾瑞克一起心跳加速,沈浸在高潮迭起的《最高品質 靜悄悄》 From Audio to Visual, From Imagination to Reality Experience an unprecedented Live Podcast Where every chilling thought will silently appear around you… Under the orchestration of music, lights, and…

Gold Stars Reaching for the Stars Concert

The “Gold Stars Reaching for the Stars Concert” features our first prize winners for piano concerto categories, violin concerto categories, and selected vocal categories along with The klpac Orchestra. This event is the highlight of the Gold Star International Competition…

Acquaint Resonate Recital

Welcome to Acquaint Resonant – an immersive recital experience designed for all who seek to be captivated by the mesmerizing tones of the Erhu! Immerse yourself in a carefully curated selection of diverse melodies that explore various themes, brought to…

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