Rivers In The Sky 天空中的河流

Show type

Live show
Presented byMasakini Theatre Company


1st September 2023 (Fri) & 2nd September 2023 @ 8:30pm
3rd September 2023 (Sun) @ 3.00pm


Pentas 1


75 minutes


Malay, English and Mandarin

Age limit

9 yo and above.

Humans today live in constant fear of the deluge of the Rivers in the Sky -the atmospheric rivers that are a vast unbroken stream of water-laden air that snake thousands of kilometers in the sky. Whether they are aware of this phenomenon is a question to be answered.

In this performance, 6 performers will take the audience through the 5 elements – Air, Water, Fire, Wood, and Earth, reliving what we as inhabitants of the Earth have done and whose abominable behavior has hurt Mother Earth. Scenes of city life – which will resonate with almost everyone, the destruction of traditions and family by the prodigal son, the strong bonds of family that allow TIME which morphs into all the other five elements, to connect and make stronger the bonds that tie them together. It is only by going through trials of the scarcity of water, the ever-present shadow of their “other” brother, and listening once again to Mother Earth do, they emerge triumphant with new hope for tomorrow.

This highly physical performance is directed by Ana Woolf and Sabera Shaik and will be augmented by live and digital music arranged and musically directed by Kent Lee and Thong Yoong How, led by Susan Sarah John. It will be further augmented by projections and shadow play.





Directors 導演組: Ana Woolf, Sabera Shaik
Music Directors 音樂總監: Kent Lee, Thong Yoong How & Susan Sarah John
Cast 演員:  Amalina Arham, Leanne Lim, Sabera Shaik, Raja Emy Shahril, Chloe Tan, & Tristen ZiJuin
Musicians 樂師: SHAMAN TEAROOM, FrhythmS Percussion, Anak Borneo Evan Lee
Lights 燈光: Norma Noordin AMN
Projections 投影: Faris Bubble
Stage Management 舞台管理: Chung Wun Bin, Aishah Jalil, Susan Sarah John
Sound Engineer: Ben Tio
Costume Design 服裝: Raja Emy Shahril & Sabera Shaik


CategoryRegular Early bird promo ends 10th Aug
PremiumRM 98 RM 78
StandardRM 88 RM 68
(Senior citizens > 60 & students)
RM 55RM 48

Buy Tickets
Online Purchase:
No phone sales and over the counter sales. E-tickets only.

Enquiry 洽詢
WhatsApp +6018 227 7212 

Covid-19 Related SOPs
klpac has Covid-19 measures including Covid-19 testing for the cast and crew, sanitisation and disinfection, and going contactless. Mask-wearing is recommended. Venue reserves the right to deny entry if you’re found to be Covid-19 positive or High-Risk status on MySejahtera. No refund will be made to those who have purchased tickets.

For the latest Covid-19 & SOP guide, go to


Show type

Live show
Presented byMasakini Theatre Company


1st September 2023 (Fri) & 2nd September 2023 @ 8:30pm
3rd September 2023 (Sun) @ 3.00pm


Pentas 1


75 minutes


Malay, English and Mandarin

Age limit

9 yo and above.

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